How to make the most of the last 2 months of 2021

It’s the end of October, which means that 2022 is a little over TWO months away!!

But don’t worry if you haven’t hit your goals for this year yet.

And definitely don’t start hustling to squeeze in a bunch of last-minute projects to help you hit your goals.

​If your nervous system starts to feel activated when you think about your goals for this year, you need to listen to the mini coaching session on my latest IG Live.

I’m walking you through what you should actually be doing with those goals you set back in January — whether you’re about to reach them or hitting them feels totally unrealistic at this point.

Click here to listen to my latest IG Live as I guide you through what to do (and what NOT to do) to make the most of the rest of the year.

While you’re here, I want to ask you something…

What do you wish your business gave back to you?

More time? Money? Spaciousness for creativity?

Most magical business owners get into this whole entrepreneurship thing for the freedom (it helps that you get to heal the world through sharing your unique genius, too)...

… but they end up so overworked & overwhelmed that they don’t even have time for the spiritual practices they teach to their clients.

​In our 45 min Effortless Expansion Session, I’ll guide you through how you can overcome the obstacles you’re facing in your business right now — so that you can make hitting your biggest goals a reality in the next few months.

Click here to jump on a call with me to see if the Alchemical Business Accelerator is the right fit for you.


The 3 Keys to Staying Out of the “Expert” Trap


Planetary Magick: Saturn & Your Business (with magical correspondences & a ritual to banish procrastination)