Dirty Alchemy

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The 9 Elements of an IN FLOW Business (with videos!)

Let’s talk about FLOW.

When I talk with magical people who are brand new or very established in their businesses, what they really, really, really want from their business is not 7-figures, or 10K IG followers (tho those are all welcome, thank you).

What we all want is FLOW.

You know the feeling. 

Things feel effortless & fun. The synchronicities and miracles are just too in your face to not be in awe of your magic.

Money comes easily. Referrals fall in your lap. Creative insights are popping off in your brain one after the next…

Well, there is a recipe to flow.

A business that is IN FLOW requires 3 main ingredients:

  • Empowered Relationships

  • Rhythm, and

  • Externalized Energies

There are 3 types of Empowered Relationships we need for an IN FLOW business:

We need to create powerful relationships with our Self, our Money, and our Clients & Potential Clients.

If we don’t have these in place we feel ICKY in our business, our sales, and our marketing.

For Rhythm, we need a Monthly Marketing Cycle to plan & review, a Seasonal Rhythm, and Daily Actions that keep our momentum.

Without Rhythm we feel confused, overwhelmed, lost at sea.

The Externalized Energies we set in our businesses allow our business to grow without our constant attention. This means your biz has its own Identity and Systems.

It also means you plug into the Big Externalized Energies in the Beyond: (the Universe, God/dess, your ancestors, Magic…)

All of these things work together to give you flow.

And over the next 9 days we’ll be digging into each of these elements so you can start laying a foundation of flow.

The first Element of Flow is Your Relationship to Your Self

We’re talking about the 3 keys to a business that feels juicy, fulfilling, and in FLOW.

Our first key is RELATIONSHIPS.

Specifically the relationship with our Self, our Money, and our Clients & Potential Clients.

So let’s dig into our relationship with our Self.

Okay, I’m sure you already realize that this is a big one.

This includes our Genius, our mindset, how we talk to ourselves… and it also includes things like our Human Design & natal chart Astrology.

When we form a relationship with ourselves then we tap into what we’re meant to do on the planet. When we follow our design then everything gets easier.

Instead of pushing to achieve things that we’ve been conditioned to want, we shed what’s not true for us & we’re able to listen to 

If you don’t base your business off of a strong relationship with your Self, then you’ll most likely want to scale super fast just to get out of actually being in your business. You’ll burn out, or close shop after a few years.

So my invitation to you is to reflect on what parts of your business you really LOVE doing & you feel like you were designed to do.

Really try to dig in here. If you haven’t done much deconditioning work then thoughts could come up like, “who am I to be a leader in this?” or “What would people think of me if I pivoted to this?” 

And that is a good indicator that you’re onto your next level.

The second element of Flow: Your Relationship with Money

The whoooooole point of running a business is to turn a profit. To make it rain. To bring in the dough.

Otherwise, you could just be running a non-profit.

And your relationship to money is a great thing to look at FIRST when you’re making your first $25K in business or you’re trying to hit whatever next level you’re working on - your first 10K month, $300K year, or 6-figure launch.

Money is a taboo fucking subject. The collective teaches us that we definitely want to make lots and lots of money, but… it’s also a bad thing so don’t do it or else you’ll be a bad person.

We learn the rules of money from childhood. From our parents. From our trauma.

But a relationship with Money is 100% on you. As a powerful magical person you get to write the rules. So why not rig the game for your pleasure?

So my invitation to you is to write your own rules:

If you could do it all your way & all of your desires were valid and good and wanting them & receiving them made the world a better place…

What would you want?

How would you want money to be for you? How would you want your relationship with money to be?

Safe? Thrilling? Empowering? Sexy? Secure? Playful?

Journal this one out & tell me your desires.

The third element of being in flow: Your Relationship with Your Clients & Potential Clients

We’re onto the third element of an In Flow business. And that’s an empowered relationship with your clients and potential clients.

In bro marketing world we’re led to believe that good marketing is creating funnels and using fake scarcity, but what I’ve seen time & time again is that my most successful clients focus on simply building relationships with other humans.

Even at the million dollar level the simplest businesses that don’t have to rely on a ton of Facebook ads or a fleet of sales people or 20 different offers, a sustainable & easeful business is based on falling in love with your clients & potential clients & getting clear on how to serve them even better - quicker - easier.

So the suggested action I have for you now is to make sure that you’re clear on your best clients & then talk to them. Maybe that’s in directly reaching out, or holding them in your mind when you’re writing your next IG post.

What do they need to hear today? What’s one thing that can help them get closer to their desired end result?

The fourth element of being in flow is Rhythm - including your Monthly Marketing Flow

So we’ve talked a lot about the first key to an IN FLOW business, which is RELATIONSHIPS.

Creating empowered relationships with our Self, with Money, and with clients & potential clients.

Now we’re onto our second KEY to an IN FLOW business - RHYTHM.

Rhythm touches every part of life, from the moon cycle, to our heart beat. A consistent rhythm brings harmony & peace to our life. It enlivens us & helps us keep momentum.

Adding the structure of Rhythm into our business slashes overwhelm & confusion because we have a pace for creation & review, for decision making & follow through.

The first way we can bring rhythm into our business is with a Monthly Marketing Flow. With each month we can plan our marketing efforts, take action, and then review.

Review is the piece that many people miss. Reviewing our action helps us to learn & optimize, so we know where we’re wasting energy & where we should be doubling down.

To honor this lunar rhythm, today take stock of what has brought in the most results for you in the past - what direct actions & campaigns have you done that have brought in more clients, money & sales.

Whether or not that’s “Industry Standard,” make a plan to simply do more of what’s working & cut out what’s not.

The 5th element to being in flow: A Business Rhythm for MOMENTUM & CHANGE

We can also call this your seasonal rhythm.

Most of us make goals with the New Year, but the staggering stats that only 9% of people keep their New Years resolutions highlight that something is missing.

A seasonal rhythm of reconnecting with & reassessing your goals give you the momentum of continued action, paired with enough wiggle room to change in response to new opportunities & insights.

So take out your journal & write on:

What are the 3-7 projects that would most greatly impact me hitting my goals this year?

The 6th element of an in flow business is Rhythm in Your Daily Actions

So, now we’ve talked about the monthly marketing flow of our business & the quarterly or seasonal rhythm that keeps the action towards our goals pulsing forward.

And this topic is where the rubber meets the road.

Our daily actions.

While having rhythm on a monthly and quarterly basis gives our action context & charge, daily and weekly actions are the electric pulse that give your business life.

Beyond the To Do list of what actually needs to get done to deliver and sell your life changing programs and services… as a visionary CEO there are actions to take that allow your biz to grow rapidly & to innovate.

And as the leader of your business, you are the energetic set point that everything else ripples out from. Your thoughts, beliefs, and expectations matter.

So, I invite you to identify what practices you can do on a daily basis to get your mind, body & spirit right.

Here are some ideas to start you off, but please use your own experience & self knowledge here because what is effective for one person won’t necessarily be for the next.

For your mind you can - read, journal, or do mindset work.

For body you can - work out, get a massage, dance to your favorite song, do yoga, have sex.

For spirit you can - meditate, do eft tapping, perform the Lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram.

When you create rituals around filling up your mind, body & spirit, the daily actions that you have to do to get project done become easier & it will actually help you grow faster bc you won’t subconsciously be blocking your growth bc you’re just so tired or stressed.

The 7th element to being in flow is tapping into your Externalized Energies: Your Business’ Identity

Aka… Why your business' identity is way bigger than branding

We’ve already talked about the first 2 keys to an IN FLOW business: RELATIONSHIPS & RHYTHM.

Now we’re onto our third KEY to an IN FLOW business - Externalized Energies.

As magical business owners we have more than our own energy. We have a myriad of external energies to draw upon.

There’s the magically obvious — our rituals & spirit. The forces that we communicate with through our craft and our consistency.

But we also have the very mundane external energies within our business. Our team. Technology. The systems we have in place. Automations.

Both of these aspects - the magical & the mundane - are so powerful and important to have in place. They multiply our impact.

The first element of Externalized Energies is your Business’ Identity.

Your business is a separate entity from you, so you can design it to act as a house for energy to build up on its own.

It builds up its own assets. It’s own identity. It’s own network & reputation.

When you empower your business with its own identity then you gain so much more stability. Your business’ success is no longer reliant on little old you & your meat suit living in a 3d reality.

The first step here is to MEET the soul of your business. You can check out my guided meditation to do this on the Business As A Magical Practice podcast, & if you’ve already done that then start building the habit.

Check in with the soul of your business every day. Feed it. Listen to it. Honor it.

Bring your most pressing question to it & ask for it’s wisdom.

The 8th element of an in flow business is Externalized Energies: Your Systems

The next element of an IN FLOW business is building out the Externalized Energies of SYSTEMS in your business.

Obviously, systems are a huge part of externalized energy. This is tech like automated email responders, sales funnels, and just your straight up website.

Systems also include your team & your SOP’s, standard operating procedures.

- the HUMAN SYSTEMS that promote efficiency and brilliance.

This area of our business can be the danger zone of Shiny Object Syndrome. Seeing that shiny new social media platform or shiny new marketing tactic & dropping your tried-and-true strategies that are building up how much your audience trusts you & how much value you are giving them.

Remember what we talked about with the element of a Quarterly Rhythm? This works in tandem with our Externalized Energies so we don’t get distracted, but instead build serious momentum & confidence in our processes.

My invitation to you now is to spend 10 minutes identifying your key business systems. 

What is your tried and true process for creating demand? (your marketing system)

What is your tried and true process for generating clients? (your sales system)

What is your tried and true process for delivery value? (your operations system)

These can be all tech, all you, all your team, or a mix of it all.

The important thing here is noticing if anything is UNCLEAR. Are there any of these you can’t answer?

The final element of an in flow business, and it involves Externalized Energies & The Universe

We’ve gone through the first 8 elements of a business that feels easy & juicy & where money flows in & clients do too.

Now it’s onto our 9th and final element.

The Universe. The great beyond. Your Magick.

The big bonus of being a magical business owner, is you’re naturally attuned to the externalized energy of magic. A lot of Muggle businesses have systems in place, have a team, have a good business. But they don’t realize that they can access the externalized energies of magic.

You’re probably already doing the spells & have the meditation practice & pull cards & pay attention to astrology.

And if you remember when we talked about your relationship with your Self, you already know to address your mindset, beliefs, shadows & unresolved trauma so that our holographic universe can reflect back to us the big ass bounty we desire.

My final invitation for you is to commit to a consistent magical practice. Energy amplifies with repetition. Use that to your advantage. Identify the magical practice that make you feel the best & commit to doing it every day for the next 40 days.

Ready to catalyze your business to its next-level in a powerful alchemical container… with expert support & a community of other spiritual business owners?

The Alchemical Business Accelerator is now open for early application. Click here to learn more & apply.

If you apply today & you’re accepted you get a bonus 1-1 strategy call with me AND early access to Monetize Your Magic, my signature process for booking out your online business. 

You can start shifting your energy & seeing results today.

You don’t have to wait until October to start seeing big results. You get to start now.

And you still get the full 6 months together with your new biz besties & future collaborators.

Here are a few messages from women in the previous round of ABA:

💫 “Whatever material level results happen in your business, there’s huge transformation in just being in this container… and the resources, slides and extras that Sam gives (she really comes into her triple Virgo / Gemini rising own) that you’ll have forever more are amazing. It really helped me keep up momentum and morale, especially as I did this container during the most transformative time of my life.”

💫 “In comparison to other business coaching I have had, ABA has felt more grounded in the reality of creating success and how to do it as a woman with a business that is outside of the mainstream.”

💫 “The other magical business owners I’ve met here are Kind, generous, powerful, insightful, creative, leading new innovation into their fields” “I’ve made friends and supporters for life!”

💫 “My email list has grown, I feel way more confident in how I show up, I’ve had a total energetic transplant and mindset shift regarding visibility and money… I also realised the other day that I’m no longer a workaholic! I got so much support from Sam and the whole group of women. I understand the nuts and bolts and bigger picture of how digital marketing works and feel confident that in the future I know what to do to scale my business.”

If you want in this room, go apply now at learn.thedirtyalchemy.com/aba-app-2023

And if you have any questions, go ahead and DM me before the early bird window closes in just a few hours.