Amplify your business with sexual energy
Your libido and your business have something in common.
Before you start scratching your head & thinking “Huh??,” let me explain.
I’ve been reading this book lately that’s completely blowing my mind. It’s called Come as You Are: The Surprising New Science that Will Transform Your Sex Life by Emily Nagoski.
“The standard narrative of sexual desire is that it just appears – you’re sitting at lunch or walking down the street, maybe you see a sexy person or think a sexy thought, and pow! you’re saying to yourself, “I would like some sex!” This is how it works for maybe 75 percent of men and 15 percent of women…
That’s “spontaneous” desire. But some people find that they begin to want sex only after sexy things are happening. And that’s normal.
They don’t have “low” desire, they don’t suffer from any ailment, and they don’t long to initiate but feel like they’re not allowed to. Their bodies just need some more compelling reason than, “That’s an attractive person right there,” to want sex.
They are sexually satisfied and in healthy relationships, which means that lack of spontaneous desire for sex is not, in itself, dysfunctional or problematic! Let me repeat: Responsive desire is normal and healthy.
It’s like you don’t actively want cookies until you smell them wafting in from the oven.
You’re responding to something, rather than spontaneously feeling erotic desire.
Dr. Rose talked about this in ep. 117: Building a Pleasurable Business with Sexual Health, which you 100% need to hear if you haven’t yet.
But as I was reading Come as You Are, I started thinking about how this applies to your business, too.
How many times have you had a thought like…
“I don’t want to write my sales page”
“I don’t want to outline my online program”
“I don’t want to record that video”
… but then once you actually create the space to start writing the sales page or recording the video, you find that you really enjoy the process?
This happens to me & my clients allll the time.
I love writing sales pages, but without fail I resist doing it until I set up an ideal setting and make time for it.
(For me that’s going to the beach and writing in my phone or recording voice memos, but you’ll know best what your own ideal setting is).
Once I do that, I have so much fun with it.
Most intuitive people think that they can only write when they’re “in the mood” or it spontaneously erupts from them.
Can you see how this is the result of our conditioning?
It’s like spill over that the only “correct” sexual desire is spontaneous sexual desire - your only “correct” channeling of brilliant copy is when it hits you in the middle of the grocery store.
But that’s not going to serve you becoming the biggest name in your niche to think that way.
You learning how to turn yourself on (in the context of doing things for your business) is a serious hack.
Journal prompts to master turning yourself on in your business:
What have you been putting off that do you ultimately enjoy once you get into it?
How can you restructure your schedule to give you the spaciousness to turn yourself on towards it?
What environment gets your juices running for it?
In my decade working with magical business owners, I’ve found that without fail the best environment to turn on your creative juices is in like-minded community.
The Alchemical Business Accelerator is a small group container where you’ll feel fully held by me, my team & the other spiritual CEOs in the program.
In our community, you’ll meet new BFFs for life who are excited to cheer you on & drop mind-blowing insights through every up and down in your business.
Our next cohort starts in the Fall, but when you join today you’ll get instant access to all the trainings… and there are so. many. trainings!
This is everything you need to set up your business to run without you – so that you can stay in your zone of genius.
Everything from tech implementation to systems help, hiring assistance, magic & mindset work, copy coaching & weekly calls.
And we just introduced a new feature: Accountability partners!
So there really has never been a better time to join the Alchemical Business Accelerator.
Let’s stay in touch!
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