Dirty Alchemy

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How to Get the Most Out of Any Online Program

We’re talking about how to never get buyers remorse ever again after buying an online program.

As business owners, we are constantly learning & growing our skills and knowledge to better serve our customers and employees and help our business grow itself.

There are so many resources available in this day and age to expand … so many that you may fall into the buy 3 courses in one month and only get through half of course 1, the first lesson of course 2, and you haven’t ever opened course 3…

And let’s not even talk about the programs you bought 2 months ago.

See this content in the original post





This is becoming more and more common.

And there may be a genius reason that your brain is encouraging you to do this.

For example… Sometimes we use online programs to fill a void or to make up for feelings of inadequacy or just straight-up fear.

“I’m afraid to put this next offer out into the world bc it’s a true extension of my soul purpose & what I’m meant to teach in the world. So instead of just doing it now... I’m going to take another sales training or marketing course. Because what if no one buys, or what if my aunt sue judges me, or what if what if what if...”

Your brain most likely won’t consciously tell you this, but if you have a consistent self-inquiry practice like journaling or working with a coach, shit like this will make itself known.

Or maybe:

“I don’t feel like a true expert in this topic (even though I’ve been pursuing it extensively for years). So instead of creating an offer, I’m going to take another training.”

These are examples of using online programs to fill a void. Seeking answers outside of yourself because you’re afraid of feeling unworthy or inadequate.

That’s not what I’m talking about today.

What I’m talking about today is when your heart is telling you to join a program or make an investment & you’re second-guessing that decision because in the past you may not have made the most out of a program you’ve purchased. You can find proof in your brain that you can’t trust yourself to follow through & do the work, or you’re externalizing it & blaming teachers or the people you’ve purchased from.

It can also be the soul of your business guiding you to work with someone. Trust that guidance.

I’m putting a meditation at the end of this episode to drop into your body & help know if you’re choosing from filling a void or choosing from your heart or being nudged from the soul of your business.

So, once you’ve determined that this program is indeed something that you’re being drawn to from your desires, how do you actually get the most out of it?

You need to decide.

You need to decide that this is going to be life-changing for you.

You need to decide that even if you show up for 10% of the material in the program that that is enough to change your business for the better forever.

This is step one.

You are an incredibly powerful human. 

Your decisions and your thoughts matter.

You buying a course or joining a mastermind and then second-guessing yourself over and over again.

Was this the right decision? Was this the best use of this money? Do I even like these teachers? Do I agree with what they’re talking about?


This is diminishing your power, the power of the choice that you made in the first place, and diminishing your capacity to get the most out of it.

It’s feeding into the idea that you can’t trust your desires & you can’t trust yourself to make good decisions.

It wasn’t until I was 19 that I realized I had an egg allergy.

I had experimented with veganism for the previous few years (realizing it was absolutely not healthy for me) & I finally decided to reintroduce eggs. 

It was a really exciting moment. I bought eggs from an Amish farm. I cooked them with local organic veggies from the farmers market. 

I was present for the meal

And then …. I had an asthma attack.

In that meal, I realized my childhood “asthma” was a food allergy

 & that me getting a severe stomach flu every year since I was very young 2x/year was probably due to this food allergy too.

Figuring out how to feed myself has been an interesting journey, like it is for many.

A lot of misinformation, or people with very strong opinions... that they don’t realize are misguided.

And after over 10 years of working through it... I seem to be in a really good spot.

I promise I have a relevant point here with this.

So. One ridiculously simple thing I’ve found in the last year has been religiously consuming 2 tablespoons of chia seeds hydrated in water everyday.

It sounds so unimportant, so tiny, but it’s literally been life changing as someone healing digestive issues.

And I’m not bringing this up because I want to share my health advice 😅

It’s because it’s been a continual reminder to me that massive transformation can come via a side comment.

The chia seed advice was from some fact I heard on a podcast about the importance of dietary fiber for healing digestive & health issues. 

I changed it around to work for me & I can very truly say it’s changed my life.

One sentence in one course you lead can change everything for your students.

One example from one module of a program you’re in can be worth the price of the whole damn thing.

As creators we’re tempted to pile on more more more into our offerings, when really it’s not about you at all. It’s not about all the things.

Your humans don’t care about anything but the transformation you provide. About the end result they want to step into.

If that takes a moment, versus 6 months of daily one hour practices... even better.

Like 90% of my digestive issues disappearing with 2 tablespoons of chia seeds a day ;)

Embodying this is powerful in and of itself.

Truly believing that simply joining a program is enough to change everything, will open up that reality.

It will also empower your audience and students to have the same transformation.

You can teach them this & demonstrate this for them.

So here are some thoughts you can choose...

I can trust my desires.

I was guided to join this program. I trust it was the best decision for me now.

This program is changing my life, just by me joining it.

I can’t fuck this up, even if I tried.

Choosing these thoughts when the second guessing comes up will help your brain to rewire itself.

Bonus points if you can get your body into a parasympathetic state, a relaxed state, while choosing the new thoughts.

And guess what, choosing these beliefs will cause you to take different actions while in the program.

It will help you show up or get the most of it in whatever capacity you have.

Okay the second part of this is the practical side of it.

Now that you are trusting your decision, you can be more present within the program.

This is obvious, but calendar all of the calls & training release dates in your calendar.

It’s easy to lose steam after the high from joining the program has gone.

This is one of the reasons why many people join program after program without fully implementing, or binge watch YouTube or read hundreds of business or self help books. They’re chasing the high of a new solution or the high of spending money.

Let’s not do that anymore, okay?

Commit to implementing what you learn when you learn it.

Or else you’re procrastinating.

And preventing the world from getting access to your gifts.


Ask the program creator how much time you should schedule each day or week to do all of the trainings, calls, and homework.

Schedule time each week to actually go through the material and implement it!

Have reminders on when new lessons come out & when live calls are.

With this you can never have buyers remorse because you, as a powerful, magical being, have decided. And the forces that be, and the magical support system that you work with, will come in and assist.

Bring up whatever program you’re thinking about joining.

What happens in your body when you think of it?

Do you feel expansive? Anxious? Turned on?


Ask yourself:

  • Why do I want to join this program?

  • Am I wanting to join this program to distract myself from something more important?

  • Am I wanting to join this program to put off doing something uncomfortable?

  • Am I wanting to join this program because I know from the deep center of my being that I will be utterly transformed by it?

  • Am I wanting to join this program because the leader has something important to teach me?

And remember…

You can trust yourself.

You can trust your desires.

Monetize Your Magic is currently OPEN for enrollment!

If not… what are you waiting for?!

We’re having great conversations over there about owning a magical business, online programs, and more. We’d love to have you.